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Computerized Cable Harness Test JIG

For K15 Missile

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The computerized cable harness test jig is designed to measure Continuity, Resistance, Capacitance, Voltage, insulation, and Diode for 256 pins. This Equipment can simultaneously acquire multiple parameters in real-time, recorded, and analyzed. The total 256 pins are divided into three connectors 64-64-128 pins. Parameters can be measured explicitly according to required tests.

Tektronics DMM 4050 has been used for measurement. NI-Lab View is provided to select connector type, no. of pins, and testing parameters. Continuation of testing from the last pin in case of power interruption has been provided. Facility to PAUSE, RESUME, START and STOP program at any point in time. Facility for calibration with Gold unit. The acquired results of the tests can be saved in excel format, same results can take printed.

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